Our office offers a full range of services related to filing industrial design applications, industrial design registrations and protection, as follows:
- trademarks registrability searches in domestic, regional and international databases,
- drafting opinions on industrial designs registrability,
- filing national industrial design applications with the Polish Patent Office, Community industrial design applications with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), international industrial design applications with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) as well as filing industrial design applications with foreign Patent Offices, based on many years cooperation with patent attorneys in foreign law offices,
- renewal of exclusive rights and payment of fees in Poland and abroad,
- changes in registers,
- advisory services, legal and expert opinions,
- drafting warning letters regarding infringement of exclusive rights,
- litigation proceedings before the Polish Patent Office, administrative courts, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)),
- conducting civil and criminal proceedings to protect exclusive rights from infringement,
- drafting agreements related to industrial designs,
- mediations and negotiations aimed at amicable resolution of issues.